Our Commitment to Climate and Environment
Using natural resources responsibly and consistently reducing the use of fossil fuels is very important to us. We want to counteract the disappearance of resources already in short supply in order to protect our climate and environment. We therefore use raw materials as efficiently as possible to avoid waste, promote recycling of existing construction materials and reduce our CO2 emissions in terms of mobility and the use of construction materials.
Resource Efficiency
Climate Protection
- We advocate vehicles with low emissions and e-mobility. We are already using the first hybrid excavators and fully electric-powered machines on our construction sites. We are gradually making sure that all the cars in our vehicle fleet have electric or hybrid engines.
- We are working to decarbonize our construction processes and consistently choose renewable raw materials and energy sources. With this in mind, we regularly review and adapt our investment strategy and goals. We are pleased to report that CO2 emissions relating to mobility have been consistently reducing over the last few years.
Environmental Protection
- We play a leading role in the remediation of contaminated sites and cleaning up pollutants. The Marti Group includes companies specialized in this area and has already been able to rectify several past environmental offenses.
The Marti Group includes companies with specialist knowledge in the area of wastewater treatment. They use modern systems to treat dirty water on our own construction sites and for external clients.
We plan, construct and manage real estate in a sustainable manner, meaning we place emphasis on resistant, energy- and resource-efficient materials and construction techniques and promote efficient processes that reduce waste. At the same time, we aim for a high level of certification for our buildings.