Privacy Policy

1 Privacy Policy

The protection of your personal data and privacy are impor­tant to us. You can be sure that we will handle your data with care and ensure a high level of data secu­rity. 

This Privacy Policy pro­vides infor­ma­tion on how and why we at the Marti Group (here­inafter: “Marti”) process per­sonal data. 

Our overview “In a nutshell” pro­vides you with an intro­duc­tion. We then provide more detailed infor­ma­tion. Please click on the indi­vi­dual head­ings to learn more.

If you provide us with per­sonal data relat­ing to other people (e.g. family mem­bers, details of work col­leagues), please ensure that they are aware of this Privacy Policy, and only share their per­sonal data with us if you are per­mit­ted to do so and the data is cor­rect.

2 In a nutshell

Depending on your relationship with us (e.g. web­site visi­tor or job appli­cant) dif­fe­rent sec­tions will be rele­vant to you. Below you will find brief infor­ma­tion on the key points relat­ing to our data pro­ces­sing:

  • Purposes of processing

    In prin­ci­ple, we use and pro­cess per­sonal data to ful­fill our con­trac­tual and statu­tory obli­ga­tions.

  • Disclosure to third parties

    Within the scope of our business acti­vi­ties we are depen­dent on trans­mit­ting, and some­times obli­ga­ted to trans­mit, cer­tain data to speci­fic third par­ties. How­ever, under no circum­stances do we sell your data.

We also naturally provide you with more detailed infor­ma­tion on our pro­ces­sing. You can now learn about where you can find which infor­ma­tion.

2.1 Processing of personal data in general

If you are interested in the general aspects of the var­i­ous pro­ces­sing car­ried out at Marti, you will find the rele­vant infor­ma­tion in sec­tions 4-8 of this Pri­vacy Policy: 

  • In section 4 you can find out which categories of people are affected by our data pro­ces­sing and get an over­view of the categories of personal data we pro­cess.

  • In section 5 you can find the var­i­ous pur­poses of pro­ces­sing at Marti.

  • In section 6 you can learn which legal basis we use to sup­port our pro­ces­sing.

  • In section 7 you can find infor­ma­tion on third parties, we dis­close per­sonal data to.

  • In section 8 you can find out how long we gen­er­ally retain data.

2.2 Processing of specific personal data

In addition to the general infor­ma­tion that can apply to all our pro­ces­sing, this Privacy Policy pro­vides fur­ther infor­ma­tion rela­ting to speci­fic pro­ces­sing or cate­go­ries of people. We pro­vide infor­ma­tion in the rele­vant sec­tions about which per­sonal data we pro­cess for which pur­poses and about any speci­fic dis­clo­sures to third par­ties.

  • if you rent one of our rental pro­per­ties, are inte­res­ted in buying or selling a pro­perty, and would like to find out about data pro­ces­sing in the con­text of our real estate busi­ness, please con­sult sec­tion 10.

  • If you are applying for a job vacancy and would like to find out about data pro­ces­sing in the con­text of our can­di­date man­age­ment, please con­sult sec­tion 11.1.

  • If you are applying for a job  website and would like to find out about data pro­ces­sing in the con­text of our web­site, please con­sult sec­tion 11. 

3 Who is the data controller and who can I contact?

The Marti Group is a family business anchored in tra­di­tion and strong values. Founded in Switzer­land as a small family busi­ness around 100 years ago, the Marti Group now oper­ates 80 Group com­pa­nies from every sec­tor of the con­struc­tion industry. 

Each Group company is a con­troller, as referred to in data pro­tec­tion legis­la­tion, and insofar as it pro­cesses per­sonal data (e.g. on its web­site or on the basis of a busipro­ness rela­tion­ship) is respon­si­ble for cer­tain pro­cessing.

Which Group company is respon­si­ble for the pro­cess­ing of your per­sonal data is deter­mined by which company of the Marti Group you are/have been in con­tact with, or which web­site you have visi­ted.

You can find the identity and contact details of the respec­tive con­troller on its web­site.

When you visit this website, the con­troller, as referred to in data pro­tec­tion legis­la­tion, respon­sible for any resul­tant pro­cess­ing of your per­sonal data is

Marti Tunnel AG
Seedorffeldstrasse 21
3302 Moosseedorf
Tel. +41 31 388 75 10

If you have any questions about the hand­ling of your per­sonal data, please do not hes­i­tate to contact our data pro­tec­tion office.

3.1 Representative in the EU

Our EU representative, as referred to in the GDPR, is:
Barbara Fischer, Marti Dienstleistungen AG, Seedorffeldstrasse 21, 3302 Moosseedorf, Switzerland

4 What personal data do we process relat­ing to which categories of people?

Marti primarily processes personal data relating to the following cat­e­gories of data sub­jects:

  • business customers, service providers, and suppliers and/or their contacts
  • tenants of our properties and premises
  • current and retired employees
  • visitors to our website(s), in particular job applicants
  • visitors to our premises
  • contacts at authorities

We process personal data that you provide to us, we collect about you or we have received from third par­ties. In addi­tion to the per­sonal data men­tioned in sec­tions 9 and 10, the most impor­tant data is:

  • contact and identi­fi­ca­tion data (this includes for example first and last names, mailing address, tele­phone number, or e-mail address)
  • financial data (this includes for example details of the record­ing of pay­ment for a ser­vice pro­cured/pro­vi­ded, a bank or postal account, debt enforce­ment pro­ceed­ings, and the col­lec­tion of pay­ments)
  • contract data (his includes for example details of a service pro­cured/pro­vided and pay­ment, details of the respective con­struc­tion pro­ject or order pro­cess­ing)
  • communication data (this includes for example physical or elec­tro­nic cor­res­pon­dence with Marti)
  • data in connection with appli­ca­tions for a job vacancy or rental pro­perty (this includes for example testi­mo­nials and/or letters of appli­cation, cover let­ters, certi­fi­cates of employ­ment, refe­ren­ces, or extracts from the debt enforce­ment reg­is­ter)
  • data in connection with legal disputes

We also collect contact data and the data resul­ting from the respec­tive com­mu­ni­ca­tion from many of the above­men­tio­ned per­sons. We also gather, parti­cu­larly from inte­rested parties, service pro­vi­ders, and the respec­tive contacts of sup­p­liers and other busi­ness part­ners, and/or their respec­tive con­tacts, infor­ma­tion on their role, infor­ma­tion on the cur­rent rela­ti­on­ship with these people, infor­ma­tion on credit­worthi­ness, com­mu­ni­cation, infor­ma­tion on busi­ness pro­cesses, inqui­ries, ten­ders, offers, terms and condi­tions, and con­tracts etc.  

5 For what purposes do we process personal data?

Marti processes personal data for a variety of pur­poses. The most impor­tant ones are:

  • Construction business: 
    Information on the purposes of pro­cessing within our con­struc­tion busi­ness can be found in sec­tion 9.

  • Property management:
    Information on the purposes of pro­cessing in rela­tion to the rental and purchase/sale of pro­perty can be found in sec­tion 10. 

  • Website(s): 
    Information on the purposes of pro­cessing on our web­sites can be found in sec­tion 11. 

  • Procurement of products and ser­vices: 
    We also rely on the pro­cessing of per­sonal data when purcha­sing pro­ducts and ser­vices from our supp­liers and sub­con­trac­tors. If you work for a cust­o­mer or busi­ness part­ner, your per­sonal data may also be affec­ted in this capa­city.

  • Jobs at Marti:
    If you apply for a job with us, we require your details to pro­cess your appli­ca­tion. Details of data pro­ces­sing in rela­tion to job appli­ca­tions can be found in sec­tion 11.1. 

  • Video surveillance:
    In order to con­trol access to our pre­mises and pro­tect our employees and other people as well as to safe­guard data or secrets belonging to or ent­rusted to us, we use closed-circuit tele­vi­sion came­ras and other IT, buil­ding and instal­la­tion secu­rity measures (e.g. access con­trols, visitor lists, net­work and e-mail scan­ners, recor­ding of tele­phone calls) at various sites.

6 On what legal basis do we process personal data?

The following regularly serve as the legal basis for pro­ces­sing your per­sonal data:

  • your consent for processing personal data, which you may revoke at any time (for example, the use of coo­kies on our web­sites) 
  • conclusion or performance of a contract with you or your pre­li­mi­nary request to do so (where you, for example, com­mis­sion us with a con­struc­tion pro­ject)
  • consideration of interests (for example to guarantee infor­ma­tion secu­rity or per­for­mance of tasks car­ried out in the public inte­rest), which you may object to in cer­tain cir­cum­stances
  • a legal obligation (for instance social secu­rity legis­lation or for the reten­tion of accoun­ting-related docu­ments by us), which may also be taken into account as part of a con­side­ra­tion of inte­rests

7 Do we disclose personal data to third parties?

We also disclose personal data to third par­ties within the con­text of our busi­ness acti­vi­ties and for all the pur­poses men­tioned in sec­tions 5, 9, 10 and 11, pro­vi­ded this is per­mit­ted and indi­ca­ted, whether it be because these third par­ties are pro­ces­sing the data for us (con­trac­ted data pro­ces­sing), because they use them for legi­ti­mate pur­poses, or it is required by law (dis­clo­sure of per­sonal data). This invol­ves in par­ti­cular:

  • service providers, including data pro­ces­sors, IT service pro­vi­ders, sup­p­liers, and busi­ness part­ners
  • authorities
  • companies of the Marti Group  
  • banks and payment service pro­vi­ders, debt enforce­ment agen­cies
  • official bodies and courts

In some cases these reci­pi­ents are in Switzer­land, but they can be any­where in the world. You must in par­ti­cu­lar take into account the fact that your data may be trans­mit­ted to any of the coun­tries in which the Marti Group is repre­sen­ted by Group com­pa­nies, branch offices or other offices  ( as well as to other European coun­tries and the USA, where our ser­vice pro­vi­ders are loca­ted (e.g. Micro­soft, Google, AWS, and others). Marti ensures that the appli­cable data pro­tec­tion pro­vi­sions are com­plied with in each case. If we trans­mit data to a coun­try in which there is no appro­priate sta­tu­tory level of data pro­tec­tion, we require the reci­pient to take appro­priate measures to pro­tect per­sonal data (e.g. by agreeing to EU stan­dard con­trac­tual clau­ses Stan­dard con­trac­tual clau­ses for con­trol­lers and pro­ces­sors in the EU/EEA (; cross-border trans­­fer of per­so­nal data (, taking other pre­cau­tions, or based on grounds of justi­fi­ca­tion).

8 For how long do we retain your personal data?

In principle, we process your per­so­nal data for as long as required for the respec­tive pur­pose. If there are sta­tu­tory reten­tion obli­ga­tions beyond this period, the per­so­nal data con­cerned is stored for the dura­tion of the reten­tion obli­ga­tion. Once the reten­tion obli­ga­tion has lapsed we check whether there is any fur­ther pro­ces­sing requi­re­ment. If there is no lon­ger a requi­re­ment, your data is deleted.

If we store data based on a con­trac­tual rela­tion­ship with you, this data will con­tinue to be stored for as long as the con­trac­tual rela­tion­ship is in place and at the longest for the dura­tion of any sta­tu­tory limi­ta­tion periods for pos­sible claims by us or for as long as statu­tory or con­trac­tual reten­tion obli­ga­tions exist.

Backup systems protect all data held by the Marti Group from cyber risks. The reten­tion period for backups is a maxi­mum of 180 days after the last backup of a data record. Access to the backup systems and the saved data con­tained therein is reserved for a spe­ci­fied group of people. The techno­logy logs every access to and every action in the backup systems in a trans­pa­rent manner.

9 How do we process personal data relating to our business customers, service providers, and suppliers?

Marti has expertise in various areas of con­struc­tion, such as civil engi­nee­ring and road con­struc­tion, under­ground struc­tures, buil­ding and recon­struc­tion, and in main­ten­ance and reno­va­tion. You can find out which data we pro­cess in sec­tion 4.

9.1 For what purposes do we process personal data?

In connection with our con­struc­tion busi­ness we use the per­so­nal data we col­lect prima­rily to:

  • fulfill our contractual obligations
  • provide our business customers with techni­cal advice accor­ding to the con­struc­tion pro­ject
  • exercise rights of recourse vis-à-vis a liable third party
  • maintain statistics
  • develop new products and further deve­lop exis­ting ones, which may involve deter­mi­ning key figures on the use of ser­vices, capa­city uti­li­za­tion figures, deve­lop­ment of ideas for new pro­ces­ses, techno­lo­gies
  • comply with statutory obligations to provide infor­ma­tion or report to courts and autho­ri­ties and to ful­fill offi­cial instruc­tions
  • maintain a secure, effi­cient and pro­fi­table busi­ness ope­ra­tion

9.2 Do we disclose personal data to third parties?

We also disclose personal data to third par­ties within the con­text of our busi­ness acti­vi­ties and for the pur­poses men­tio­ned above, see sec­tion 7, pro­vi­ded this is per­mit­ted and indi­cated.

10 How do we handle personal data rela­ting to tenants, buyers, and vendors of pro­perty?

10.1 What personal data do we process?

Marti owns various pro­per­ties which it rents out or sells.

If you are an existing tenant or are inte­rested in one of our ren­tal pro­per­ties or in buying or sel­ling a pro­perty and would like to regis­ter your inte­rest, we pro­cess the per­sonal data that you pro­vide to us, we col­lect about you or have recei­ved from a third party. In addi­tion to that men­tio­ned in sec­tion 4, this pri­ma­rily includes:

  • contact and identification data (this includes for example date of birth, gender, mari­tal status, OASI number, natio­na­lity)
  • financial data (this includes for example details of income and pro­fes­sio­nal cir­cum­stances, debt enfor­ce­ment pro­cee­dings, or col­lec­tion of pay­ments)
  • contract data (this includes for example details of secu­rity pro­vi­ded, pro­perty to be rented/pur­chased, rent and ancil­lary costs, number of people in the house­hold, or con­di­tion and fix­tu­res of the pro­perty)

10.2 For what purposes do we process personal data?

In connection with our real estate busi­ness, we use the per­sonal data we col­lect pri­ma­rily:

  • to receive and consider contact requests and appli­ca­tions from per­sons inte­rested in ren­ting or pur­chasing
  • to record the condition and fix­tures of the rental pro­perty
  • to fulfill the rental contract, in parti­cular bil­ling the rent and ancil­lary costs
  • to meet repair and maintenance obligations in respect of ren­tal pro­per­ties
  • in relation to tenants behavior when using the rental pro­per­ty, if required e.g. brea­ches of con­tract and beha­vior that may result in damage
  • in the event of legal disputes 
  • for statistical purposes (e.g. repor­ting)
  • to fulfill the purchase agreement 

10.3 Do we disclose personal data to third parties?

We also disclose personal data to third par­ties within the con­text of our busi­ness acti­vi­ties and for the pur­poses men­tioned above, pro­vi­ded this is per­mit­ted and indi­cated. In addi­tion to the reci­pient cate­go­ries men­tioned in sec­tion 7, this involves:

  • tradespeople as well as experts and the respec­tive buil­ding insurer and lia­bi­lity insurer of the pro­perty
  • property management companies
  • energy supply companies
  • other tenants at their request in order to meet legal claims (e.g. by allo­wing inspec­tion of all ori­gi­nal docu­ments and con­sump­tion recor­dings on which the rele­vant annual state­ments are based)

11 What personal data do we collect specifically via our website(s)?

We may collect personal data rela­ting to you in order to dis­play and opti­mize our web­site con­tent, and in doing so, ensure data secu­rity. 

The same applies for the ana­ly­sis of web­site usage and com­pliance with sta­tu­tory requi­re­ments. When you use the rele­vant func­tions, we also pro­cess per­sonal data for:

  • contacting you
  • interaction in connection with our ser­vices and web­site con­tent (e.g. social media)
  • other specified use

11.1 Job applications

If you apply for a job with us, we and any third parties involved will pro­cess the per­sonal data that we receive from you and that you disclose on relevant professional platforms (in particular LinkedIn or Xing) during the appli­ca­tion pro­cess. As well as your per­sonal details, details of your edu­ca­tion, pro­fes­sio­nal expe­rience, and skills, this includes the usual cor­res­pon­dence details such as mailing address, e-mail address, and tele­phone num­ber. All the docu­ments you submit in con­nec­tion with the appli­ca­tion, such as cover letter, résumé, and refe­ren­ces, are also pro­ces­sed. Appli­cants may also send us addi­tio­nal infor­ma­tion vol­un­ta­rily. This data is only stored, eva­lua­ted, pro­ces­sed, or pas­sed on inter­nally as part of the recruit­ment pro­cess.  

The applicant data to be entered in man­da­tory fields (*required) is needed to be able to assign the appli­ca­tion to you and to con­tact you about your appli­ca­tion as well as to be able to con­sider the pros­pect of your appli­ca­tion being suc­cess­ful. 

Your applicant data is processed for the fulfillment of our (pre-)contractual obligations during the application process. 

If we conclude an employ­ment con­tract with you, the trans­mit­ted data is pro­ces­sed for the pur­pose of ful­fil­ling the employ­ment rela­tion­ship in accor­dance with statu­tory regu­la­tions. 

If the application pro­cess ends without the offer of employ­ment, your per­sonal data is stored for a fur­ther six months for docu­men­ta­tion pur­poses and then deleted, unless you have con­sented to us using your details for fur­ther appli­ca­tion pro­cesses (appli­cant pool). 

You may object to this data pro­cess­ing at any time and with­draw your appli­ca­tion or arrange for your elec­tronic data to be deleted. If you consent to being included in our appli­cant pool, you may sub­se­quently revoke this con­sent at any time. Please send your objec­tion or dele­tion request to the con­tact per­son named in the job adver­tise­ment or to the con­tact given in sec­tion 3. If you do not object, the data will be deleted after 12 months.

11.2 Making contact

On our websites you have the option to con­tact us by means of con­tact forms and/or via e-mail. It is clear from the respec­tive con­tact form what per­sonal data is col­lected when using a con­tact form. In this case, the infor­ma­tion you pro­vide is pro­cessed for the pur­pose of pro­cess­ing your inquiry and ful­fill­ing it. 

The rel­e­vant manda­tory infor­ma­tion is required to pro­cess your inquiry. Vol­un­ta­rily pro­vi­ding fur­ther details makes it easier for us to pro­cess your inquiry and enables us to give you more precise infor­ma­tion.

The basis for pro­cess­ing your per­sonal data is our legit­i­mate inter­est in pro­cess­ing your inquiry. If con­tact is made for ful­fill­ing a con­tract to which you are a party or for taking steps prior to entering into a con­tract, this con­sti­tutes an addi­tional basis for pro­cess­ing your per­sonal data.

Your per­sonal data is deleted as soon as your inquiry has been dealt with. This is the case when it is appar­ent from the cir­cum­stances that the matter con­cerned has been defini­tively clar­i­fied and deletion does not breach any statu­tory reten­tion obli­ga­tions. 

11.3 Technical log data

The technical log data col­lected does not allow you to be iden­ti­fied and does not con­tain any per­sonal data. No per­sonal user pro­file is created.

The logging of website usage is in our legi­ti­mate inte­rest for main­tain­ing and improv­ing the security and stabi­lity of the web­sites and our ser­vices.

11.4 Cookies

We use cookies on our web­sites. Cook­ies are small text files that are stored on your end device (lap­top, tablet, smart­phone, etc.) via the browser. They are used to make our web­sites more user-friendly and effec­tive overall and to make your visit to our web­sites as pleasant as pos­si­ble. Cook­ies do not cause any damage to your end device and can­not run pro­grams or con­tain viruses.

Which basis we use to pro­cess your per­sonal data using cook­ies depends on whether we ask you for your con­sent. If we do and you con­sent to the use of cook­ies, the basis for process­ing your data is your con­sent. Other­wise, the per­sonal data pro­cessed using cook­ies are pro­cessed on the basis of our legit­i­mate inter­ests (e.g. making the web­site visit cus­tomer-friendly and effec­tive) or, when the use of cook­ies is required to ful­fill our con­trac­tual obli­ga­tions.

Irrespective of whether pro­cess­ing is based on con­sent or legal autho­riza­tion, you have the option of revok­ing your con­sent with effect for the future or objec­ting to the pro­cess­ing of your data using cookie tech­nolo­gies at any time by amend­ing your cookie set­tings.

Generally speaking, you can pre­vent cook­ies from being stored by set­ting your browser soft­ware accord­ingly. 

11.5 Advertising and search optimization services

Our websites use various ser­vices pro­vided by Google LLC based in the USA, or if your usual place of res­i­dence is in the Euro­pean Eco­nomic Area (EEA) or Switzer­land, Google Ireland Lim­ited, based in Ire­land (“Google”).

We use the following Google ser­vices on our web­sites:

  • Google Tag Manager
  • Google Analytics 
  • Google Ads

You can find further infor­ma­tion on Google’s adver­ti­sing tech­nol­o­gy and on Google’s use of cook­ies at Advertising – Privacy & Terms – Google.

More information on Google’s pro­cess­ing of infor­ma­tion and on pri­vacy set­tings can be found in the Privacy Policy and Data privacy settings & controls.

You can find further infor­ma­tion on Google Tag Manager in the Google Tag Man­ager Use Pol­icy.

An overview of the use of data in Google Ana­lyt­ics and the mea­sures taken by Google to pro­tect your data can be found in the Google Analytics Help.

You can find further information on the Terms of Service | Google Analytics and Privacy Policy – Google in the respective documents.

11.6 Vimeo und/oder Youtube

In order to incorporate videos we use the ser­vices of the provider Vimeo LLC based in the USA (“Vimeo”) or YouTube on some of our web­sites.

You can find further infor­ma­tion on data pro­cess­ing and data pro­tec­tion in the  Privacy Po­licy of Vimeo

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that Vimeo may use Google Analytics and refer you to the Pri­vacy Policy – Google and the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on Download Page or the Settings for per­son­al­ized ads from Google.

11.7 Social media presence

We maintain social media pro­files on Insta­gram, YouTube, Xing, and LinkedIn.

The data you input on our social media pro­files is pub­lished by the social media plat­form and at no time is used or pro­cessed by us for other pur­poses. How­ever, we reserve the right to delete con­tent should this be required. If appli­ca­ble, we com­mu­ni­cate with you via the social media plat­form. 

Please be aware that the oper­a­tors of social media plat­forms may use web track­ing methods. Web track­ing, over which we have no con­trol, may also take place irre­spec­tive of whether you are signed up to or reg­is­tered with the respec­tive social media plat­form.

Further information on data pro­cess­ing by the providers of social media plat­forms can be found in the respec­tive pri­vacy pol­icy:

11.8 Links to third-party websites

Our websites may contain links to other web­sites for which Marti is not respon­si­ble and which this Pri­vacy Pol­icy does not cover. Gen­er­ally spea­king, the pri­vacy pol­icy of the respec­tive web­site opera­tor applies. 

When you click on the link we no lon­ger have any influence over the pro­cess­ing of any data trans­mit­ted to third par­ties, as nat­u­rally the behavior of third par­ties is beyond our con­trol. We can there­fore not assume any lia­bil­ity for this third-party con­tent. The respec­tive provider or oper­a­tor of the sites is always respon­si­ble for the con­tent of linked sites. No illegal content was apparent at the time the link was cre­ated. It is not, how­ever, rea­son­ably possible to con­tin­u­ously mon­i­tor and check the con­tent of linked sites unless there are spe­cific indi­ca­tions of an infringe­ment. If infringe­ments become known, the links con­cerned are removed imme­di­ately.

12 Do we make automated individual decisions?

Under data protection law, automated individual decisions, i.e. purely computer-based and without the involvement of a data subject, must be indicated as such. Automated individual decisions of this type may be made depending on the process.

We identify such automated decisions. You may also exercise the rights under section 14 in relation to this automated individual decision-making.

13 Technical and organizational measures

Technical and organizational measures protect data from being accessed by unauthorized third parties for fraudulent use and criminal purposes. To this end, the Marti Group has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures. These include in particular:

  • directives governing the handling of personal data
  • security training for IT users
  • the operation of technical protection, early detection, defense and recovery systems
  • ensuring effective access controls in respect of premises, facilities, data processing systems, and the data itself
  • access restrictions in accordance with the need-to-know principle by means of individual access rights
  • use of personal user accounts
  • contingency plans and recovery processes are in place
  • reviewing the effectiveness of the measures

The stream of your digitally transmitted data is SSL-encrypted between the web browser and the web server. As a result, it is protected from unauthorized access by third parties. If you send us data via e-mail, the data transmission may not be encrypted. It should be noted that data is generally stored unencrypted.

14 What are my rights as a data subject?

Within the framework of the data protection law applicable to you and to the extent provided therein, you have the right to information, correction, deletion, the right to object to our data processing as well as to the release of certain personal data for the purpose of transmission to another agency. You may also revoke consent if our data processing is based on your consent.

If we inform you about an automated decision (section 12), you have the right to request a review of the respective decision by a natural person.

However, please note that we reserve the right to assert the restrictions provided for by law on our part if we are obligated to retain or process certain data, have an overriding interest in it (insofar as we may refer to it), or need it in order to assert claims.

We informed you about the option to revoke your consent in section 6. Please note that the exercise of these rights can be in conflict with contractual agreements and that this may have consequences such as premature termination of the contract or cost consequences. We will inform you in this regard in advance, where this is not already contractually regulated. 

The exercise of such rights generally requires that you clearly prove your identity (for example, by a copy of your identity card, where your identity otherwise is not clear or cannot be verified). To exercise your rights, you can contact us at the address specified in section 3 (data protection office).

15 Additional information

The Marti Group’s range of services is continuously expanding. For this reason or because of other changes in circumstances, this Privacy Policy may be amended at any time without prior notice or communication. The current published version shall apply.

The third-party links provided are to assist you in searching for more information and may change. It is therefore possible that sites are no longer available.

Please note the Imprint section.


Marti Tunnel AG
Seedorffeldstrasse 21
CH-3302 Moosseedorf
+41 31 388 75 10​​​​​