Rv. 13 Ryfast - Solbakktunnel
Statens Vegvesen Region Vest, NO-6863 Leikang
(Norwegian Road Administration)
Construction Period
06.2013 – 12.2018
Contract Sum
CHF 206 Mio. (NOK 1’303 Mio.)
Joint Venture Company
Marti ÍAV Solbakk DA
Joint Venture Partners
Marti Tunnel AG, CH-3302 Moosseedorf
Marti AS, NO-0278 Oslo
TuCon a.s., SK-010 04 Žilina-Bánová
ÍAV hf, IS-110 Reykjavík
Lead Company and Technical Lead
Marti Tunnel AG, CH-3302 Moosseedorf
Commercial Lead
Marti AS, NO-0278 Oslo
Project description
The E02 Solbakk project is the northern construction lot
of the Ryfast project between Stavanger and Tau which
comprises a two lane twin-tube road tunnel including
roadwork and sea-filling. The main parts of the project
consist of:
- 2 x 7’980 m long (68 m²) double lane road tunnel
- 16 cross connections (17 - 41 m²)
- 2 caverns (up to 308 m²)
- Technical niches, pump stations, sedimentationbassin
Work description
Underground excavation, rock support and grouting
- Excavation method: drill & blast
- Excavated length and volume: 16’570 m,
1’280’000 m³ mucked by conveyor belt
- Grouting method: systematic probe drilling, cemen-
tous pre-grouting
- Grouting quantity: 190 rounds, 4’300 t of grouting
- Standard rock support: shotcrete (64’600 m³) and
systematic rock bolts (121’600 pcs)
- Additional rock support: spiling bolts and reinforced
shotcrete arches
Underground water and frost protection work
- Reinforced membrane & shotcrete lining: 140’000 m²
- Precasted concrete wall elements lining: 2’200 m²
Other UG and surface work
- Sea-fillings with blasted rock: approx. 2 Mio. m³
- Roadworks: 17.4 km
- Fresh water and drainage system
- Installation of cables pipes and cable bridges
Concrete work
- Technical buildings, pump stations and basins
- Two 250m long portals (Cut&cover)
Electrical work
Marti Tunnel AG
Seedorffeldstrasse 21
CH-3302 Moosseedorf
Tel. +41 31 388 75 10