Federal roads office FEDRO, CH-4800 Zofingen
IG STBelchen, c/o Emch+Berger AG, CH-3001 Bern
ILF Beratende Ingenieure AG, CH-8048 Zurich
Aegerter + Bosshardt AG, CH-4002 Basel
Time of Completion
09.2014 – 06.2019
Contract Sum
CHF 277 Mio.
Execution of the Work
ARGE Marti Belchen
Consortium Partners
Marti Tunnel AG, CH-3302 Moosseedorf
Marti AG Basel, CH-4053 Basel
Marti AG Solothurn, CH-4500 Solothurn
Lead Company – Technical and Commercial Lead
Marti Tunnel AG, CH-3302 Moosseedorf
Lead Company – Technical and Commercial Lead
Scope of the Works
Doubel-tack tunnel between Hägendorf (SO) and
Eptingen (BL)
- Lot 080008
- Length 3’177 m
- Excavation with a single shield TBM Ø 13.97 m
with precast segments (6+1) d = 35 cm
and simultaneous inner lining,
laying of the last cycle within 4 months- Volume of excavation: 510’000 m³
- 11 cross cuts A = 20 – 40 m²
- Complete sealing with Hot-Melt process
- Inner lining d = 40 – 81 cm
- Technical gallery under the roadway
- Intermediate slab
- Benches
Ventilation gallery by drill & blast- South portal L = 127 m, A = 22 m²
- North portal L = 234 m, A = 22 m²
- Gypsum keuper
- Opalinus clay
- Shell limestone
- Marl
Marti Tunnel AG
Seedorffeldstrasse 21
CH-3302 Moosseedorf
Tel. +41 31 388 75 10