Convergence time at Konrad mine

The convergence time will last for one year and will serve to calm down the tensions and movements in the mountain. For this purpose, the slits, the so-called upsetting joints (also known as convergence joints), were installed in the outer shell. They allow a controlled movement of the mountain.

Other work in progress

In the meantime, in addition to the temporary filling of the sole and its later removal, further ancillary work is being carried out. These include the renovation of individual areas of the outer shell and the cleaning and closing of individual compression joints.

Overall, the following performance has been achieved so far:

  •     Sliding anchors: 1'711 pieces

  •     Glass fibre reinforced plastic anchor: 4'835 pieces

  •     Primary protection anchor: 8'417 pieces

  •     Total drilling metres: 47'000 m

  •     concrete: 10'800 m² or 5'961'000 kg

  •     Outbreak: 20'400 m³

After the convergence period ends by the end of October 2020, the inner shell will be installed.

Marti Tunnel AG
Seedorffeldstrasse 21
CH-3302 Moosseedorf
+41 31 388 75 10