CERN shaft completely excavated

Shaft excavation completed

The work on the shaft with the electrically operated excavator, which was specially converted for this construction site, was completed in mid-February. The in-house machine specialist had converted the originally diesel-powered excavator successfully into an electric vehicle and prepared it for the work on the construction site.

Cavern excavation tackled

Now the tunnel builders are taking care of the cavern excavation at the bottom of the shaft.  Approximately 18,000 cubic metres of material will be excavated by conventional tunnel excavation. This work is expected to last until June 2019.

Tunnel system

The excavation of the 300-metre-long tunnel gallery closing the cavern will start in May 2019. This excavation will be carried out by conventional tunnel excavation as well. Sealing, reinforcement and concrete for the base and vault will follow shortly after the excavation. The concrete lining will be placed parallel to the excavation. This work will last until October 2019 followed by the demanding preparation of the connections to the existing plant installations.

Marti Tunnel AG
Seedorffeldstrasse 21
CH-3302 Moosseedorf
+41 31 388 75 10